Instructions for Authors

Please use the template to edit the manuscript before submission.

  • The Volume of a manuscript should not exceed 10.000 words, without Tables, Figures and Images.
  • The Title of a manuscript should not exceed 15 words.
  • Full names and surnames of the authors, as well as full names of the author’s affiliationuniversity, institute, company, de­part­ment, town and country should be given.
  • The corresponding author should be indicated, and email address provided.
  • The Abstract of a manuscript should be no longer than 250 words.
  • Keywords should contain 3-5 items.
  • SI units and Standards should be used throughout.
  • Chemical nomenclature, abbreviations and symbols should be used according to IUPAC. All others, according to applicable Standards.
  • Footnotes should be avoided. When their use is necessary, they should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and appended at the end of the manuscript.
  • References should be cited using Arabic numbers in square brackets, according to the Vancouver referencing style given with examples in the template.
  • Figures and illustrations with a title and legend should be numbered consecutively (with Arabic numerals) and must be referred to in the text. Images should be numbered as Figures. Additionally, Figures should be supplied as a separate file saved as jpg or tif at 300 dpi minimum. The type size in the description of the axes should be proportional to the size of the Figure.
  • Tables with a title and optional legend must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
  • According to the template, information on Author Contributions, Conflicts of Interest, Funding, Hazards, Human or Animal research subjects and Acknowledgements should be included and placed after the Conclusion.
  • Each submitted manuscript is checked using anti-plagiarism software.

Categorization of Articles

The accepted manuscripts are categorized into:

Article is the first publication of original research. It must be presented so that the research can be repeated, giving results with equal precision within the limits of trial error, which means that the correctness of analyses and conclusions can be checked.

Review is a complete overview of an issue or a field of research based on already published work, but contains original analyses, synthesis and suggestions for further research. It has a more comprehensive introduction than the original scientific article.

Preliminary communication includes new scientific results demanding urgent publication while the research is underway. This kind of article does not have to ensure the repetition and checking of the presented results. It is published only with the author’s obligation to publish the original scientific paper when the research is completed.